Form Center

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Program Evaluation Form

  1. This is the title of the program you are evaluating.
  2. Would you recommend this program to a friend?*
  3. How did you learn about this program?
  4. Why did you register for this program?
  5. How satisfied were you with the program's activities?
  6. How satisfied were you with the suitability of the program's location?
  7. How satisfied were you with the program leaders or instructors?
  8. How satisfied were you with the cleanliness and condition of the facility?
  9. How satisfied were you with the safety and supervision measures?
  10. How satisfied were you with the registration process?
  11. How satisfied were you with the approachability and courteousness of the program staff?
  12. How satisfied were you with the cost of the program?
  13. How satisfied were you with the program's hours?
  14. Please let us know if you wish to be contacted by our staff.
  15. Consent
    By completing this form you are consenting to the voluntary collection and use of your personal information in accordance with Section 26(d) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information provided by you will be used solely for the purpose of contacting you for further follow-up as per your request. Your information will not be used for any other purpose. If you have any questions about the collection, storage, correction and/or use of your personal information, please contact Jennifer Keefe, Manager of Community Recreation and Culture Services, at 604-927-3599.
  16. Leave This Blank:

  17. This field is not part of the form submission.