How do I apply without an Agency contact?

Coquitlam residents who are not eligible to receive government or income assistance and are not associated with an Agency who still face significant financial hardship, may apply for financial assistance for recreation by completing the application form in conjunction with: 

  • An adjudicator OR
  • By using Income Statement (Option C print) from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for each person of your family who contribute to the household income and expenses

Show All Answers

1. Who is eligible to apply?
2. Who is not eligible to apply?
3. What do I receive?
4. What can I do with my 50 free drop-ins and $225 credit?
5. How do I use my Recreation Credit?
6. How long is the term for drop-ins and credit?
7. How can I register for a program using Recreation Credit?
8. Which drop-in programs require pre-registration?
9. How do I get my 50 free drop-ins pass?
10. What documents do you need to apply?
11. What information should not be included in the application?
12. What Government/Income Assistance documents can you submit?
13. What is an example of an Agency that could verify a Financial Assistance application?
14. How do I apply without an Agency contact?
15. What is an adjudicator?
16. How do you use the Low Income Cut-off table (LICO) if you are not receiving government assistance?
17. What is Total Family Income?
18. How do I use Income Statement for proof of income?
19. If I receive Old Age Security (OAS), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), or Long Term Disability (LTD) benefits, what do I submit?
20. Do you allow program withdrawal and do they get their credit refunded?
21. Is there a withdrawal fee of $5 for registered programs using the $225 credit?
22. If I withdraw from a program, where does the credit go?
23. What happens if I don’t have enough credit left to pay for a program?
24. How soon will my/our application(s) be approved?
25. How can I check to see the status of my application?
26. How do I view how much subsidy I have remaining?
27. How do I submit my application?
28. How do I contact Community Services staff if I have any questions?