Project Greenlight

The Project Greenlight initiative has ended due to the City of Vancouver's decommissioning of the Vancouver Economic Commission. Please contact the Economic Development Office for further inquiries.

The City  issued an open call through Coquitlam’s membership in Project Greenlight, a regional procurement platform that teams up public and private enterprises with tech companies in order to accelerate the use of sustainable tech-based, data-driven – or “smart” – approaches to service-delivery.

Sustainable Coquitlam

Among its targets, the ESP calls for Coquitlam to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45 per cent by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, and is working toward these targets through its Climate Adaptation Strategic Plan (adopted in 2020) and development of a new Climate Action Plan in 2022. 

Sustainable Coquitlam

Supporting this work, the Sustainable Coquitlam open call strived to engage the local business community and attract innovative ideas for how the City can reduce energy and emissions in its operations, increase the resiliency of its services, and address goals in the ESP related to: 

  • Climate action – including more electric or reduced-emission vehicles and buildings, and building smarter and greener transportation infrastructure
  • The built environment and green infrastructure – including managing rainwater runoff on impervious surfaces, creating smarter civic facilities, gathering park user data and understanding the location and value of green infrastructure in the City.
  • Water management – managing stormwater for flood protection and environmental protection, managing sewer inflow and infiltration (leaks), and maintaining healthy waterways.


Project Greenlight, run by the Vancouver Economic Commission, was a platform that created strategic partnerships between public and private enterprises and technology companies to support emissions reductions, optimize asset performance, and accelerate smart and sustainable transportation.  Through the use of challenge-based innovation calls, Project Greenlight solicited proposals from small and medium sized businesses that might not regularly track traditional procurement channels, allowing Members to access more diverse and deeper innovation pools.

Coquitlam's membership supported the 2019-2024 Coquitlam Technology Strategy, which envisions the City as a clean tech hub and lays out actions to attract more tech companies.
